Handboogbond sees Limburg national coach leave | 1Limburg

The Dutch Archery Association will continue without a national coach for the time being. After a long period of employment, Ron van der Hoff from Ysselsteyn has decided to say goodbye.

The union is considering the succession.

Nine years
Van der Hoff has been national coach and head coach for the past nine years and has been involved in, among other things, the Olympic silver that the mixed recurve team won at the Tokyo Olympics last year. Before that time, the Limburger already worked for the association as a coach of the para selection, the field team and the Dutch Juniors.

‘Finding balance’
“Being a national coach is a great job, in which I have been able to experience beautiful things, work with good and talented athletes and be part of a team that has achieved great results,” Van der Hoff said via the NHB. “However, it is also a tough job, in which the balance between work and private life is sometimes difficult to find. After these wonderful years, the time has come for me to find the balance in a different way.”

The association thanks Van der Hoff. “Ron has made great contributions to the archery sport in the Netherlands,” says federation director Arnoud Strijbis. Van der Hoff’s activities will be taken over in the short term by the other members of the technical staff. “For the longer term, it will be examined how the roles, tasks and responsibilities are divided and which functions are appropriate. The whole of top sport and talent development will be looked at,” said the association.
