Handball World Cup 2023: Knorr with a new chance after missing the EM – status of the corona vaccination still unclear – handball

Knorr emphasized: I’m not a corona denier

Knorr missed the European Championships in Hungary and Slovakia at the beginning of the year because he did not get vaccinated against the corona virus. A 2G-plus rule applied to participation in the tournament.

At the time, Knorr experienced a great deal of incomprehension for his decision. However, he emphasized that he was not a denier of the virus. According to Knorr, he was infected in November 2020. it got him “caught harder than others my age”, he reported in December 2021 in “Mannheimer Morgen”. He still didn’t want to be vaccinated and the illness was too long ago to take part in the European Championships to claim the status of a recovered person.

At the time, Knorr said that he trusted one “natural immunity” after his recovery. The Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) confirms that an infection with the coronavirus produces antibodies and certain immune cells that can fight the virus. As a result, infected people are initially partially immune, “However, the number of antibodies decreases again over time.”

No information on the current vaccination status

According to the Federal Center, a renewed infection of vaccinated and recovered people and a risk of transmission to other people are possible. The Robert Koch Institute also provides information on its website that the COVID-19 vaccination “the safest way is to build up protection against COVID-19”.

According to the DHB, Knorr did not want to comment on the question of whether his vaccination status had changed when asked by the sports show. For the time being, the vaccination status is no longer relevant for participation in the games against the Faroe Islands since many corona protection measures were lifted in Germany. Knorr is an unrestricted option in terms of sport.

Gislason praised Knorr: “He played very well”

Knorr was at least called up against Hungary in March due to numerous cancellations and is now part of the team that wants to secure Germany’s participation in the 2023 World Cup in Poland and Sweden in the two games against Faroe Islands. “He played very well and set accents”said national coach Alfred Gislason on Knorr’s performance against Hungary.
