Handball: Foxes Berlin defend standings

Füchse Berlin successfully defended their lead in the Handball Bundesliga. In front of 7695 spectators in the Max-Schmeling-Halle, the Berliners defeated Bergische HC 29:27 (14:14).

However, coach Jaron Siewert’s team had to tremble for the hard-fought success until the end. Best Berlin throwers were Jacob Holm with six and Paul Drux with four goals.

From the beginning a fight-oriented game developed. Without the injured right backcourt players Mathias Gidsel and Fabian Wiede, the Berliners found it difficult, especially in attack against hard-defending guests. After a few misthrows and conceded goals from counterattacks, the hosts were suddenly 4:6 behind after a good ten minutes.

But after a break, the foxes quickly came back with a 3-0 run. The error rate in the offensive game remained high. The hosts acted too statically. The fact that the game went into the break with a draw was mainly thanks to goalkeeper Dejan Milosavljev, who made 13 saves in the first half.

The hosts then came out of the dressing room better and took the lead for the first time with three goals (17:14). But the BHC promptly equalized again. It stayed that way for a long time. The preliminary decision was then made three minutes before the end when Hans Lindberg converted a seven meter penalty to 28:25. The hosts couldn’t take that anymore.
