Handball EM: Zieker and Rebmann move up – Handball EM – Handball

Rebmann, goalkeeper from Frisch Auf Göppingen, and Zieker, left winger from TVB Stuttgart, will probably join the team on Wednesday, as sporting director Axel Kromer confirmed on Tuesday afternoon. The two are the next to come after Johannes Bitter, Rune Dahmke, Sebastian Firnhaber, Paul Drux and Fabian Wiede.

Goalkeeper Till Klimpke and Marcel Schiller had received a positive result after the PCR test taken on Tuesday morning and are therefore out. National coach Alfred Gislason had to step up his game, especially in the goalkeeper position.

DHB team with nine failures

Julius Kühn, the subsequently nominated Hendrik Wagner, Timo Kastening, Andreas Wolff, Lukas Mertens, Kai Häfner and Luca Witzke had previously tested positive on Monday.

As of: 01/18/2022, 5:28 p.m


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