Handball Champions League: THW Kiel wins the “small final” with a show of strength

As of: 06/19/2022 5:37 p.m

Conciliatory end of the season for the handball players of THW Kiel: One day after the defeat in the semi-finals of the Champions League against FC Barcelona, ​​the “Zebras” won the gripping game for third place against KC Veszprem (Hungary) with 37:35 after throwing seven meters (34 :34, 14:18).

When Niklas Landin parried the shot thrown by his Danish national team colleague Rasmus Lauge, there was no stopping his team-mates. They ran jubilantly towards their goalkeeper, who had become the match winner for the “Zebras” in the seven-meter throw. Kiel had actually made it! With a show of strength, they managed to win against Veszprem – and that in the absence of defender Hendrik Pekeler (torn Achilles tendon) and defender Sander Sagosen (fractured ankle).

It was the 58th and last competitive game in a tough series. For the THW it was a good, but not outstanding. Two titles, the DHB Cup and the Supercup, have been won – although the sporting value of the latter is modest. Added to this is the runner-up position in the Bundesliga and now bronze in the Champions League.

“Zebras” miss too many chances

One day after the semi-final defeat against Barcelona, ​​the North Germans started very well. Goalkeeper Landin in particular, who had hardly gotten a hand on the ball against the Catalans, started promisingly. The Danish world champion fended off a seven meter throw and a free throw. Even after a quarter of an hour everything was still in balance with the score of 9:9. From that point on, however, the pendulum swung in favor of the Hungarians.

THW Kiel – KC Veszprem 37:35 (34:34, 14:18)

Goals Kiel: Bilyk (7), Wiencek (6), Zarabec (6), Ehrig (5), Duvnjak (4), Ekberg (4), Dahmke (2), Reinkind (1), M. Landin (1), Weinhold (1 )
Goals Veszprem: Fathy Omar (8), Nilsson (7), Mahe (6), Lekai (3), Marguc (3), Nenadic (2), Lauge Schmidt (2), Maqueda Peno (2), Lukacs (1), Ilic ( 1)
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They made a fresher impression as the first half progressed and scored their goals with significantly less effort. The Kielers, on the other hand, worked their way through the very mobile, compact defense of the Magyars, and once they got through, the chances were missed too often. The “Zebras” failed several times because of Veszprem’s strong goalkeeper Rodal Corrales. And so the German record champions were already clearly behind at the break with a 14:18.

Kiel fights its way up with strong morale

However: At the beginning of the second period, the Schleswig-Holsteiners were very present again and seemed determined to turn the game around again. And things went well: Rune Dahmke made it 19:21 (32nd). Even more would have been possible, but both Patrick Wiencek and Pavel Horak failed in his last game for THW because of Corrales.

At the score of 23:26 (44 th ) Jicha brought on Dario Quenstedt for Landin in goalkeeping position, who, despite a good start, again fell short of his chances. However, the Dane returns a little later between the posts – and fended off two throws at once. In doing so, he laid the foundation for everything to be possible again ten minutes before the end when the score was 30:30. And it got even better: Sven Ehrig scored the 32:31 (53rd) with a counter-attack – it was the first lead since the 3:2 (3rd).

Former Flensburg Mahé saves Veszprem in the seven-meter throw

And it was going to be dramatic. Niclas Ekberg scored 34:33 for THW with a seven-meter penalty 40 seconds before the end. But Veszprem still had a great chance to equalize three seconds before the end of the game: Kentin Mahé took a penalty. And the former player from HSV Hamburg and SG Flensburg-Handewitt scored 34:34. So it went straight to the seven-meter throw.

Kieler with better nerves

In the duel from the seven-meter line, THW, for which Mykola Bilyk was the best thrower with seven goals, then had the better nerves and Niklas Landin in goal. The Danish world champion fended off two throws. Ekberg, Steffen Weinhold and Magnus Landin scored for Kiel.

This topic in the program:
Schleswig-Holstein Magazine | 06/19/2022 | 19:30 o’clock
