Handball Champions League: SC Magdeburg starts the crucial period of the group phase

As of: November 23, 2023 8:00 a.m

SC Magdeburg is in constant stress: the second half of the Champions League begins on Thursday. Bennet Wiegert’s team starts with the Danish champions GOG.

There is hardly any time left for SC Magdeburg to enjoy. The newly minted one Club World Champion and East Derby winner (38:31 against Eisenach) is on the way again. The destination: Odense. The opponent: Gudme Oure Gudbjerg Håndbold, better known as GOG.

Quick goodbye

Just a few days ago both teams crossed swords. Thanks to their staying power, the Magdeburg team won against the Danish champions 35:27 (16:16). The SCM pushed GOG out of third place in Group B. There will be a quick reunion on Thursday (November 23rd). From 6:45 p.m. (live ticker in the SpiO app) the host will be eager for revenge. The Magdeburgers will try to get closer to the quarter-finals in the premier class with a win.

The two best in the group skip the round of 16 and move straight into the quarter-finals. The teams between third and sixth place play in cross-match comparisons – so they have to play one more game. Magdeburg is in third place at half-time – two points behind FC Barcelona and Veszprem.

Start of the second half of the season

The game against GOG Svendborg heralds the second half of the group phase and is already pointing the way. Whoever wins stays well in the direct quarterfinal business. After the defeat in Magdeburg, GOG will do everything in its power to turn the tables at home.

Ex-SCM keeper Tobias Thulin’s team will also need Emil Madsen’s throwing skills. With 106 goals, he was the top goalscorer in the premier class last season – Madsen also scored reliably in the first leg (8 goals). Bennet Wiegert’s team won after a strong final spurt. The clear victory (35:27) belied how the game was going.

