THEthe pain in hands can start around the Menopause. You wake up in the morning with stiff, sore fingers. Or it happens that opening the jars or make fine hand movements it becomes more and more difficult. But what scares the most is seeing that one’s own fingers gradually begin to thicken at the level of the joints and to become more and more stiff and painful.
Why does this happen? How to prevent this problem which is not just aesthetic? Who is the expert to turn to? We talked about it at Dr. Alessandra Scaleseorthopedist at the Hand Surgery Unit III at the San Siro Clinical Institute of the San Donato Group.
Hand pain and menopause
«In the literature there are slightly different data depending on the nationality and characteristics of the population, but Over the age of 55, almost half of women are affected by arthrosis of the hands. Some research indicates 40%, others 60, but it depends on whether they considered the initial cases with modest symptoms”, explains Dr. Scalese. «The percentage increases with age. After menopause you lose your androgen protection also on the bones and cartilage which penalizes the functionality of the joints. The cartilage allows one bone to slide against another, cushioning the movement and making it more fluid and pain-free.”
Hand pain and prevention of osteoarthritis
«We should create an information culture for avoid coming to the specialist with already developed arthrosis. They come to us when the situation is already advanced, at that point there isn’t much that can be done. It’s good for prevent the problem and contact the hand surgeon at the first symptoms”, explains the expert.
Hand Pain May Begin Around Menopause (Getty Images)
How does the visit to the hand surgeon take place?
«We start with the very important part of themedical history of the patient, who tells us about the predisposition genetics, family history, when the disorder appeared. Typically you ask for one x-ray associated with a clinical examination to localize the pain, you evaluate how much your hands move, if there are nodules on the fingersi Heberden’s nodules”, adds Dr. Scalese.
When it comes to Rizoarthrosis
«Or, if the pain and inflammation are localized at the base of the thumb it means that it is rhizarthrosis or arthrosis of the thumb. If a patient arrives with significant arthrosis, but without symptoms, treatment is generally not prescribed. But we are investigating to understand if it is possible to exercise, suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy in case of menopause, and some supplements.”
Why do fingers start to deform?
«It’s due to the fact that you have one cartilage degeneration, loss of joint balance, tissue inflammation, a painting of rigidity which manifests itself with greater wear of the bone heads and therefore an alteration of the fingers one on top of the other”.
Hand pain: from the Hand Surgeon to the first symptoms
«The first symptoms begin with a bit of swelling, the joint is more swollen and red. Then the pain becomes chronic, ever-present, it starts to limit movement. Fingers become stiff. Today there are many therapeutic possibilities, but the sooner you turn to a hand surgeon, the better you can eliminate or reduce the pain and the process of deformation of the fingers”, recommends the expert.
What can be done to prevent this problem?
«To reduce the progression of osteoarthritis, prescribing HRT according to the opinion of the gynecologist can help a lot. Re-establishing a balance of hormones slows down general aging, therefore also that of bones and cartilage, and restores the fluidity of movement”, explains the expert.
Movement is the most effective medicine
Movement helps a lot. Always keeping your hands active and not limiting your movements is essential to slow down and reduce hand pain.
Can physiotherapy help?
«The anti-edema exercises explained by the hand therapist are essential for improving symptoms and reducing inflammation. Physiotherapy helps a lot, but so do everyday activities. Keeping your hands still damages them”, recommends Dr. Scalese.
Supplements that fight hand pain
Natural supplements? «Some really work: curcumin, omega 3, glucosamine they help the metabolism of the joint a lot. They must be prescribed by the doctor who will evaluate any contraindications or interactions with other drugs. Infiltrations and hyaluronic acid are also very useful, although they are more suitable for large joints (such as the knee)”, recommends the specialist.
However, when the fingers start to deform, what can be done to avoid worsening?
«They can be used guardians who keep you at rest for a certain period (joint lock) of particularly acute pain. 3 weeks of braces may be enough to remove the acute inflammatory state. If the fingers are already deformed, the patient can be helped to contain the pain and slow down joint degeneration.”
Shockwaves against hand pain
«They are prescribed shock waves as supportive therapy. They are cycles of 3 sessions which stimulate the reduction of the inflammatory state. They must be prescribed by the doctor and can also be done through the National Health System”, explains the expert.
Regenerative Medicine, an aid against pain
«To alleviate the symptoms, it is very useful Regenerative Medicine, which helps enhance the regenerative capacity of cells.
These are infiltrations with PRP (platelet gel) or a preparation of fat cells that have regenerative capacity. A blood sample is taken, processed with special machinery and then reinjected into the joint. To request it, you must contact a hand surgeon”, concludes Dr. Scalese.