Hammer thrower Henri Liipola built an electric moped for himself

Hammer thrower-inventor Henri Liipola made an electric moped and a door closer.

Henri Liipola is a hammer thrower and inventor. Jussi Saarinen

Hammer thrower Henri Liipolaa, 28, may be titled inventor. He designs and builds a variety of meals that make his daily life easier.

– Daddy is really good at his hands. I’ve gone with it myself. There has been a tendency to be tired of everything from an early age, Liipola says.

The man living in Lempäälä has a gravity door closer at home.

– A couple of wheel bikes on the door and the weight that pulls the door shut, he says.

It is small compared to the project currently underway. Liipola is tired of the electric moped 2.0.

– The electric moped 1.0 was kickboard-like. It didn’t quite work when I got to training in Pirkkahalli with it, but I’m not back.

The new version has a longer battery life. The electric moped 2.0 is a bicycle type vehicle.

– It will be an incredible saving a year when running on electricity, not fossil fuels. It’s an idea here that I can go on training trips on an electric moped. You still need to find a suitable battery.

The inventor is so intrigued by the technical intricacies that he was downright jealous of the prize-winning Somero hammer race.

– I got the money and came in third Roope Auvinen even with this. I would have liked it for myself rather than money. Roope didn’t even know what a rattlesnake was.

The do-it-yourself man also handles the transmission of the moving image of the hammer tour, the Tour de Hammer.

– Brain capacity is gone when I haven’t got live broadcasts to work, Liipola regrets.

He has not been left wondering about the hardness of technology.

– I thought the phone’s router was running out of capacity. But the fact is that 2.4 GHz is not enough. It breaks with that network. The next time I flip, I put a frequency of five GHz. It should look better. The bad thing about it is that it doesn’t fall that far. Therefore, the descent camera must not be forgotten.

Record in mind

Lempäälä’s man’s plane flew 71.77 in Tampere on Wednesday. Jussi Saarinen

The man from Lempäälä is now a full-time athlete and part-time inventor. He has applied for a joint line between Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä.

– Graduates from there as a sports technology engineer and a master’s degree in physical education. A tough thing for me when the two passions of life meet.

Liipola has been a man of about 75 meters for several seasons. There has been talk in club circles that there are abilities for longer arcs.

– It feels frustrating when you can’t. It is known that it can, but not the source. At some point, it comes when you don’t give up.

The record of 75.47 is from 2018. This season has gone 75.32.

– On the basis of the reen, it is possible to calculate that 77-77.50 can be taken, purely through the pound results and jumps.

Munich’s European Championship limit is 77 and Eugene’s World Championship limit is 77.50 meters.

It came

Liipola already broke one hard line in the winter. He knocked out a weight loss new SE 22.81. The old record for 1990 was an Olympic winner Juha Tiainen 22.13.

– The first was for me the first race ever in that sport. Practice would definitely go further. Weightlifting is a Yankee rush that could very well be brought to Europe and Finland.

In the form of competition, a 30-cent rubber device weighing 15.88 kilograms is rolled.

On Wednesday at the Tampere GP, Liipola was third in the hammer race (71.77). The event was won Aaron Kangas with a modest result (72.97).
