Hamburg lays wires for hydrogen logistics to South America

HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – In the search for suppliers of “green” hydrogen, Hamburg wants to bind several Latin American countries more closely to itself. Mayor Peter Tschentscher also concluded agreements on closer cooperation with the Chilean Ministry of Energy, the port of Montevideo and the city of Buenos Aires. Specifically, this involves the development of logistics chains for the transport of hydrogen to Germany.

“Hamburg aims to become a leading location for importing and trading in hydrogen in Europe,” said Tschentscher on Sunday, according to a statement after returning from his trip to South America. “Chile, Uruguay and Argentina have the best conditions for the production of green hydrogen and are pursuing ambitious hydrogen export strategies.”

“Green” hydrogen is considered one of the hopes in the fight against climate change, especially for those industrial applications in which electrification is not possible. So far, however, there are neither larger quantities at competitive prices nor the necessary storage and distribution networks. Because the required quantities will not be available in Germany for many years, Germany will be dependent on imports. In return, potential large-scale producers such as the three countries in South America are dependent on reliable customers, especially in the start-up phase of hydrogen production./kf/DP/he
