Halloween with dogs, events and tips

THEhe first theme park for dogs in Italy focuses heavily on themed events. How can we not think, then, of some tailor-made initiatives for Halloween with dogs? In the 3 thousand square meters of the park Iagolandia in Guaranzate (Como) a “cemetery style” photographic set will be set up where all dogs and owners will be able to be portrayed by the pet photographer Francesca Cretella. Walking through the park, humans and 4-legged people will be able to take funny and “monstrous” photos in the selfie points, play safely in the themed areas and play tricks or tricks without feeling guilty. For dogs there are artisanal and natural snacks made especially for them.

Halloween with dogs: the events of Iagolandia

“Iagolandia was created precisely to promote the fun and relaxation of both the dog and the owner without forcing them to do sporting activities to have moments of leisure together”, explains Grazia Maldini, co-founder of Iagolandia and dog educator.

During “Halloween in Iagolandia”, upon reservation by October 24th, it is possible to access the amusement park by choosing one of the three formulas. From the 30-minute Halloween Tour, to the one-hour Halloween Party. For the more adventurous there is the Halloween Da Paura lasting an hour and a half, with surprise fishing in the Cauldron Orrido and a “monstrous” treasure hunt to do together, dog and owner. “The story we thought of for the treasure hunt is this: a somewhat careless serial killer lost the pieces of the bodies of his victims and the murder weapons inside the Iagolandia playground and our 4-legged friends, guided from their masters they have to smell them, follow clues and find them »says Martina Comollo, co-founder and organizational manager of Iagolandia.

The handbook for a Halloween with dogs without contraindications

But if Halloween with dogs can be an opportunity to have fun together, the celebrations are not without risks for the four paws. For this the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has compiled a small vademecum to avoid any dangers.

Halloween: 10 classics to see as a family

Starting with the famous “Trick or treat?“. Halloween with dogs involves correcting the game, avoiding dietary snags. Chocolate is absolutely toxic to dogs and even sweets in general, especially in a festive atmosphere that invites excess, should be kept away.
Attention to Pumpkins, and candles. Not only because dogs can get burned: even pumpkin is really tough for them, difficult to digest.
Pay attention to the cables of the decorations: the dog could trip or, worse, nibble the holds;

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Costumes: Halloween fashion has also affected them and there are many animals transformed into puppets and decorated in a way more suitable for a child than a dog (just take a look at profiles such as The Creative Groomer). The owner who just can’t resist, chooses garments in natural fiber fabrics of the right size, which allow the four-legged to breathe, to move and to… be a dog without hindrance.
Identification: in the confusion of the party, the dog could get lost. It could be useful, in addition to the subcutaneous identification microchip, to equip the animal with a tag with name and home telephone number. You never know.

