Halloween: German retail expects record sales

The horror and costume festival Halloween is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany. According to a study commissioned by the German Trade Association (HDE), people in Germany are always willing to spend money on the festival, now even more than in 2019, when the last study on the topic was carried out.

According to current data, 13.5 percent of those surveyed are planning specific Halloween spending in brick-and-mortar stores or online. This value is around 60 percent higher than in the last survey in 2019. Most Halloween shoppers buy decorative items (58 percent), costumes (46 percent), jewelry and accessories (42 percent) and make-up (41 percent). Percent). According to the study, interest grew particularly in jewelry and accessories, increasing by around ten percent, while interest in costumes fell by around four percent compared to 2019.

Accordingly, retailers are expecting a significant increase in sales this Halloween, which could probably be 50% higher compared to pre-Corona times. While there was sales of 320 million euros in this segment in 2019, the HDE expects sales of 480 million euros this year.

The survey was carried out by the market research institute IFH Cologne on behalf of the HDE.
