Halloween 4 books for children to read and give as gifts

C.i are the villains of all time, the ones who inevitably arouse sympathy because, in the end, they never triumph, and new very nice characters only apparently scary among the books for children proposed by publishing houses on the occasion of Halloween 2022.

Cute ghosts, monsters and unexpected friendships: for the little ones

Stories for all ages, to read with parents or in the company of brothers, sisters and close friends under the covers, in the light of a torch, perhaps after a feast of candies, conquered from house to house by asking: “Trick or treat?”.

To immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the scariest night of the year, there is something for all tastes and all ages. The little ones, for example, will love it Gustavo, the shy ghost, by Flavia Zorrilla Drago. An illustrated story, suitable for ages three and up, which tells of a cute little ghost with a big dream: to find friends. Will he succeed?

Halloween: 10 classics to see as a family

Three years is also the recommended age to make friends with Sofia, the protagonist of Sofia Tantepaure, trick or bite? by Simone Frasca. Chosen by her classmates to play the vampire from the school play, Sofia is terrified of the stage. She is lucky that monsters have just arrived in the house next to her to celebrate her great-great-grandfather’s birthday. They will be the ones to teach her some tricks to overcome any fear.

A book that teaches to deal with the most difficult moments, and to go beyond.

Unity is strength, especially when you are different

From the age of six, however, they can be read the stories of Incubo and Sognidoro, published by Mondadori. Nix Incubo, as the name suggests, comes from a family that administers bad dreams to the children of the city, while Sen Sognodoro is quite the opposite. In Dragons vs Unicorns, for example, they both sneak into a child’s room, but neither is willing to give up on their mission. How will it end? Creating something magical and special. Because being different is a resource, always, and friendship is the thing that matters most.

Dragons against unicorns, Laura Borio, Mondadori.

From Disney characters to Geronimo Stilton, the most loved classics

Ghosts, skeletons and witches are the protagonists of Halloween, volume that collects some of the most beautiful stories Disney comics dedicated to the night of October 31st, with the most beloved characters, from Donald Duck, an eternal troublemaker, to his three grandchildren Qui, Quo and Qua.
And instead Geronimo Stilton, the most famous mouse in children’s literature, the protagonist of The adventures of Sherlocco, a shadow in the abyss, published by Piemme. At the center of the story, the Mystery of the Triclades, a group of islets that mysteriously swallow boats and sailing ships. Detective Sherlocco will find Stilton a valid helper, until he discovers a fierce band of treasure thieves. Will they be able to figure it out?

The adventures of Scerlocco, a shadow in the abyss, Piemme.

Halloween and books: nothing is as it seems

Working together can make a difference: this is the message of The apprentices of the shadows by KE Ormsbee, for children from ten years. The story revolves around the adventures of the twins Lee and Felix Vickery: the first serves Memoria, together with his mother, the second works for Death, together with his father. At the base, a pact that cannot be broken, at least so they believe. When young Gretchen enters their lives on Halloween promising to break the deal, things get complicated and things begin to emerge that it would have been better not to know. A thriller full of elements to the Stranger Things, that leaves you breathless, but also bizarre and hilarious. The older ones will love it too The fairest of them all, the true story of Grimilde, just out for the necklace Disney Villainswhich tells the bad guys in a new light.

Why is Snow White’s stepmother queen so wicked? Has she always been like this? The answer could be kept in her famous mirror.

Read to find out …

