Halloween 2023 | A walk among ghosts through Barcelona

I advise the weak of spirit to think twice: there is still time to stop reading. To those who decide to participate in this macabre journey, I must warn you: it is not going to be a pleasant procession. On the eve of the Day of the Dead, this distorted guide will discover you, lamp in hand, the most disturbing journeys of hidden Barcelona. Prepare to deal with witches, exorcists, murderers, souls in pain and beings from beyond the grave… I’m not talking about the Congress of Deputies, this is a sinister ‘tour’ through some of the most mysterious streets of the city to enjoy the Halloween 2023 in Barcelona.

1. The legend of the bridge

street skull

In the Bisbe Streetwatched over by an army of macabre gargoyles, rests a skull pierced by a dagger that has given rise to countless legends. You have to look up, because it is at the bottom of the Bisbe Bridge, observing the passers-by with their empty eye sockets. Nobody knows why the architect Joan Rubió put it there. Occult scholars assure that the skull is human and the day someone pulls out the dagger, the city of Barcelona will plunge into chaos. Others say that if you go under the bridge walking backwards and without stopping to look at the skull, you will be granted a desire. The most doomsayers swear that just by looking at it you will get a curse which you can only get rid of by rubbing the shell of a magic turtle What’s in the modernist mailbox of the House of l’Ardiaca. How complicated everything is.

2. The Alchemist’s House

Horror in the Call

They say that the call is furrowed by a secret tunnel network built by the Jews. They say… We are in a labyrinth soaked in magic that has in Arc de Sant Ramon del Call one of his most journeys creepy. At number 8 is the Alchemist’s House. Legend has it that a spiteful Christian asked the alchemist who lived there for a poison to kill his ex-lover, a Jewish girl. The alchemist got him a poisoned flower without knowing that the victim was his own daughter! He sorcerercrazed with guilt, cursed the house so that no one could live in peace in it. Some nights, the his daughter’s cries They run through the street like a chill.

3. Nightmare on Estruc St.

The street of horrors

The Port Aventura of Barcelona occultism. The writer Xavier Theros explains that in Structure Occurred one of the most shocking murders of Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century: a madman nicknamed The Cigarette He decapitated a couple and their offspring, and lived with the corpses until the stench gave him away and he decided to commit suicide by letting go. an ax blow to the face. On this street there is masonic symbols on the number plates and lots of vibes from the pastsince its history is linked to strange blood crimes and ‘pedra escurçonera’, a remedy against snake bites. In the 15th century lived here Jewish astrologer Astruc Sacanera; in fact, at both ends of the crossing there are two Kabbalistic murals erected in his honor. You make a Ouija board on this street and the ghosts have to order a batch.

4. Interview with the vampire

Enriqueta’s shadow

The vampire of Raval, Enriqueta Martiit’s a Hannibal Lecter ‘nostrat’ of which buckets of ink have been written. We will never know what really happened to the kidnapper and murderer of children (she gutted them to make ointments) nor what were her connections with high society (she was accused of prostituting minors), but the incontestable thing is that she was arrested at her residence on Ponent Street, now Joaquin Costaa terrifying mezzanine where they found bones and remains of children; jars with blood, grease and other fluids; and a suspicious living room with very expensive furniture that did not fit among so much misery. They say that Enriqueta keeps leaving and entering the Ponent number 29while dragging a sack.

5. Exorcisms on the Riverside

The other father Karras

Jacint Verdaguer was not only a great poet, he also served as Father Karras and he dealt with Beelzebub. It was common to see him in the House of Prayerat number 7 of the sombre Mirallers street. It was a space where the father Joaquim Pinyol He went out of his way to dispossess the victims of the Fallen, often with the invaluable help of the author of ‘L’Atlàntida’, who took notes of the terrifying sessions that took place there. By the way, Enric Casasses compiled these writings in the book ‘Dimonis‘ (Verdaguer Editions). At dawn, in the empty street the sounds reverberate. screams, moans and vomiting of those nineteenth-century exorcisms: “Jacint, have you seen what your filthy daughter has done?”

6. Occult classes

sorcerer’s school

The narrow street of the Neu de Sant Cugatbaptized with such a curious name because in other times snow was sold there to preserve food, it was a road given over to the occultism. In Barcelona at the end of the 19th century there were many witches and sorcerersand in the Neu de Sant Cugat there was a witchcraft school of great prestige, with a gloomy rector who would make Gandalf urinate himself. The owner of this grotesque wizardry institute was called The Dry, due to its shocking thinness, and evil tongues claimed that it was hoof and flesh with the Devil. Yeah, The Dry He was an abject and repugnant being, but the best witches of the time emerged from his classes. Harry Potter I wouldn’t have lasted a week.

7. Supernatural bottles

blacksmith spirits

The ghosts of a blacksmith and his apprentice have the habit of taking good night walks along the street of the Portal Nou and surroundings. Apparently, years ago, the blacksmith He pierced his student’s chest with a hot iron because he believed that he wanted to rob him. When the blacksmith wanted to flee, prey to madnesshe came across a ghost with a reddish spot on his chest: terror paralyzed the murderer’s heart, and now executioner and victim They float over the cobblestones of Portal Nou, oblivious to the astonishment of the many neighbors who claim to have seen them in the wee hours of the morning with supernatural drinking.

8. Human meat stews

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Hotel Transylvania

On the decaying street of the Lliri Flower There was a famous hostel with a ‘real food’ tasting menu which included human meat stews. Where did they get the merchandise from? Urban legend says that the hostel had a devilish bed which, activated by a spring, folded in half and trapped the unfortunate traveler, who was duly put to the knife. But in this house everything was used and some corpses came out. meatballs that were… of death. Remains of the hostel can still be seen on the street. If you look closely, you will see the sorrowful faces of the victims that ended up floating in the pot. Yes to local cuisine. Yes to kilometer zero.
