Halina Reijn is shocked by statements Rob Goossens: ‘Comes to me’

Halina Reijn is shocked by the strong statements Rob Goossens made about her in the ratings hit De Slimste Mens. “Words have power and they arrive,” says the actress.


Rob Goossens, an expert from RTL Boulevard, lashed out at Halina Reijn in the ratings hit De Slimste Mens and afterwards on Twitter. He joked in the program that he wants to write a book about parenting, in which you learn step by step how your child becomes exactly like Halina. “With the idea that your child will not become like that if you turn everything around.”

“I hate Halina!”

A considerable stab under water, but afterwards Rob went over it again in a message on Twitter. In it, he indicated that he hates the actress. “It was just a long run to share my hatred for Halina Reijn with the world. As if I’m really going to write that book, come on.”

Rob was immediately addressed about this last week by a number of other twitterers, including Anita: “Attention probably lacks this Rob Goossens. These kinds of individuals get a kick out of sewer journalism and polarization. Hating someone is a form of lack of self-confidence, by the way. Ignore this guy.”

‘Be respectful’

Now, a good week later, artist manager Fallon van der Meeren, the wife of Eurovision song contest Mr. Sietse Bakker, is also involved in the discussion. She says: “Never heard of Rob Goossens, but just read that he found it necessary to share his hatred for Halina Reijn on TV.”

She continues: “Is it so hard to be a little respectful with each other? If you want to be liked, there are probably better ways to do it. be child.”

Rob bounces back

Rob reacts resignedly to that. “Before you bother me with Xenos spells, it might be a good idea to see what I said.”

Then Rob makes a vicious comment about Fallon’s management office. “Apparently she got to buy Janey of Ireland’s star stable for a friendly price when it went to Netflix. After that Halina Reijn and Carice van Houten ran away when I see the site like this. I don’t really think it’s advertising for Fallon, but who am I?”

Halina responds

Then Halina comes with her reaction. She says, “I read it too. You probably meant it differently and maybe the context was missing in the articles, but never forget that words have power and come.”

And what does she think of Rob’s suggestion that she would have quickly run away from Fallon’s desk? “Fallon has a thriving company that I would love to work with again in the Netherlands. Lots of love.”


Halina’s tweet:
