Halil Dervişoğlu after the Lithuania – Turkey match: The place where I feel most comfortable…

Halil Dervişoğlu, the star striker of our National Football Team, made statements after the Lithuanian match. The young player, who scored 1 goal in the fight, said that the most comfortable place was the region between the opponent’s defense and the midfield.

Here are those words:

Halil Dervisoglu: We knew that like the Faroe Islands match, the opponent would retreat, but this opponent went a little further and looked for space. We were able to seize these opportunities.

I am comfortable anywhere, but if you are asking where I am most comfortable, I feel very good in the areas between the defense and the midfield.

Our teacher motivates us very well and sets goals for us even though there are no difficult matches. For example, not conceding a goal or scoring a lot of goals.
