Half of the homes in the new Laarhove Zuidlaren residential area ‘affordable’

Not 40, but 50 percent of the homes in the newly built district of Laarhove must be ‘affordable’. The city council of Tynaarlo decided to do so tonight.

The Laarhove district will be located at the rear of the Prins Bernhardhoeve site in Zuidlaren. It was previously decided that 40 percent should be ‘affordable’ and should therefore fall into the cheaper segment. This means that these homes may cost a maximum of 355,000 euros or fall under social rental housing.

The municipality of Tynaarlo has already pushed for more affordable homes in the Laarhove district, which will have a total of between 235 and 265 homes. Now that Tynaarlo can receive a subsidy from the government for the Laarhove district – provided it realizes 50 percent affordable homes there – the municipality has an extra reason to boost the percentage.

The only question is whether the municipality of Tynaarlo can start building the new housing estate within three years. That is also a condition for the government subsidy. In total, this concerns a subsidy of 1.73 million euros.

Council member Herman van Os (D66) wondered aloud whether there is a need for 50 percent affordable housing. “Has it been investigated whether our residents want that?”

The Pieters family (VVD) wanted to know whether it is even feasible to start building within three years. Responsible alderman Jurryt Vellinga (Leefbaar Tynaarlo) thinks so. “Only nitrogen is a concern, but we have already had calculations done. For the time being, it seems that it can continue.”

According to Vellinga, money is not leading to this proposal. “We have a responsibility to our residents to build homes.”

He also points out that Tynaarlo, with 18 percent social rental homes, is well below the target of 30 percent for the entire municipality.

If the municipality does not receive the subsidy, Tynaarlo will return to the plan of 40 percent affordable homes. Only the factions of D66 and CDA voted against the proposal.
