Hairy triplets in Tilburg are especially ‘cute in ugliness’

For every parent, their own child is the most beautiful. In the case of the triplets who were born last Friday in Tilburg, however, that is doubtful. Because even if a monkey wears a gold ring, it is and remains an ugly thing. At Dierenpark De Oliemeulen they are nevertheless thrilled with the new addition: three healthy cotton-top monkeys.

“They are indeed not very pretty yet, but rather cute in ugliness”, grins nurse Bastiënne Meulenbroek. And indeed: in the attached photo in the birth announcement packaged as a press release, the monkeys look more like comfortable slippers or bunnies.

They don’t have a name for the little ones in Tilburg yet. “Not yet Kwik, Kwek and Kwak, no. We are still a little careful, because it is very special that three monkeys were born. Normally a pinché mother gives birth to two young and of course she only has two nipples. So far, giving milk seems to be going well, but we are anxiously waiting for them to start eating solid foods.”

Attention men
According to Meulenbroek, this is actually the only task that mothers do not run away from. The rest of the household tasks, mind you gentlemen, ends up on the shoulders of the male. For example, he does all the lugging and takes his job so seriously that visitors to De Oliemeulen can already see the monkeys when Dad takes them outside.

“And it will remain so. Pinché monkeys are real family animals and form a family for life. Yes, they are just people.” Just maybe a little more emancipated.
