Hair: repair and reconstruction, treatments

QWhen does hair need repair and when does it need reconstruction? If they show up with damage on the surface, then they appear stringy, dull or are fragile to the point of breaking. Repair and reconstruction are different: «Both are specific treatments capable of return proteins to the structure of the hair” explains Andrea Firriolo, System Professional ambassador. But let’s clarify how they stand out.

Hair: need repair or reconstruction?

There repair is the most superficial treatment, in the sense that it acts on the hair shaft: “Can restore the foliage if there is a shortage of water: it is made softer, brighter, more fluid and easy to comb. In other words, yes rehydrates intensely so it looks more beautiful» explains the International team of René Furtèrer technicians.

There reconstruction is instead a more treatment deepwhich intervenes on the deeply damaged hair structure: «It is a series of suitable remedial processes when the internal structure is compromised. Reconstruction is used above all if the sulfur bridges have blown stems due to chemical or mechanical treatments that have weakened the structure» continue from René Furterer.

The tests to recognize the needs of the hair

How to understand when a hair needs these particular treatments? “If the lengths are rough and dry to the touch, dull and with split ends, you definitely need to resort to one of these two treatments” explains the System Professional ambassador.

You can do a real test: «Yes takes a hair with two fingers and slowly pulls it. If it cracks, the sulfur points have been compressed and a rebuilding treatment is needed» they say from the French brand.

More specifically, to understand the actual needs of one’s own daily habits must be analysed: «How hair dries, whether it is colored or not, how often it undergoes chemical treatments. Then you may need a remedial treatment».

The hair routine to follow at home

Both treatments are performed in the salon, «the ideal would be to perform System Professional Lipid Booster in the salon, which rebuilds and is designed for those who have damaged hair due to chemical treatments. Then it is important to maintain an adequate hair routine even at home »explains the expert. The daily hair routine is essential, yes takes care of the hair with specific products, protecting it and giving immediate results.

Long hair: beautiful and healthy in 5 steps

At home we “intervene with nourishing and moisturizing products starting from the shampoo to the detanglers. Masks play a vital role: with their contribution also in lipid terms, they can replace the conditioner for a certain period to have a more intensive effect from the first treatment».

To keep the results of a rebuild moreover «they can be added leave-in products, to be used also on dry hairwho take care of the ends and lengths» advise from Furterer.

Botanical extracts and vegetable keratin, the ingredients

The ingredients behind these treatments are first and foremost proteins and amino acids, the same ones present in the capillary structure. But not only. As French experts point out, the latest generation ingredients are above all botanical extracts that contain specific active ingredients and essential oils which very often perform the dual function of repairing and rebuilding.

In particular, it plays an important role vegetable keratin that being a “biomimetic substance, with functions similar to those of the same contained in the hair, drawn from within and at the same time wraps the lengths. The advice is to focus a lot on the natural, choosing specific ranges for the reconstruction and repair of the hair» conclude the technicians of René Furterer.

Repair and rebuild, yes before the summer

As René Furterer’s experts advise, the repair treatment is very suitable both before the summer, because it strengthens the hair before the holidaysand at the end of the season «when exposure to sunlight, chlorine and saltiness has made it drier and dull».

Can the reconstruction also be done before the summer? “Not necessarily. This treatment is essential if you constantly use technical tools such as straighteners, very powerful hair dryers or treatments such as bleaching or even simple lightening or highlights. In this case, a repair treatment may not be sufficient and it may be necessary to rebuild with products to be used at home for a shock effect».

