Hair in menopause: how to take care of the hair

THE hair is a very delicate organ and undergoes every slightest change in the body. If during their life they regenerate, during premenopause they tend to slow down their growth. Then around the age of fifty there is a real slowdown, combined with fragility and dryness; indeed it is with menopause their life cycle also slows down and the hair begins to change and age. However, running for cover is possible, with a suitable home hair routine.

Hair over 50, changes in menopause

It is a fact that hair loss affects one in three women during menopause. Not only that but, unlike men for whom this is not experienced as a huge problem, women experience it with great embarrassment. Compared to the appearance of cellulite or wrinkles, the question of hair loss in menopause is in fact a slightly different problem: the renewal of the crown is in fact constant throughout lifeon average from 30 to 100 hairs are lost a day and the same number grow, so that the hair can be renewed and strengthened.


As menopause approaches, however, the question changes: the hair falls out but is not always replaced because the life cycle of the hair slows down. The reason? «Hair can be affected by the reduction of estrogen which occurs in menopause and which exert a strong effect on the hair. This change manifests itself both at the level of the hair fiber and at the level of the hair follicle: at the level of the fiber there is a progressive degeneration, from the root to the tips. At the level of the follicle there is a decrease in cellular activity which causes progressive graying, slow growth, hair loss» he explains Orietta Viziale, Phyto Scientific Director.

How hair changes in menopause

A change which, as the expert explains, however, it does not involve all women and which manifests itself with easily recognizable specific traits: «First of all there is a thinning and a loss of density. This is due to the roots weakening: the thickness and number of hairs in the growing phase, the Anagen phase, decrease. Secondly, the hair starts to get damaged, become more brittle and become devitalised. They become dry, dull, crack, lose their suppleness and are difficult to detangle» explains Viziale.

Menopausal hair: anti-fall tips

Furthermore, at this stage of life the first gray hairs also appear due to a decrease in the synthesis of melanin which leads to a graying. Finally you have one dryness of the scalp as less sebum is produced».

Taking care of the hair in menopause: masks are among the fundamentals

Fundamental in this moment of life is to start change your habits. Among the first changes, if necessary, quit smoking and follow a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and iron. Bad good habits also include a correct hair routine.

It is essential to choose specific products that strengthen, nourish and hydrate the hair. The cleansing step is then added to the cleansing masks: those are suitable for menopausal hair degreasing and detoxifying and nourishing ones.

The former deeply cleanse the scalp which, due to hormonal changes, in some cases could tend to gain weight as well as deeply cleanse it so as to regenerate and stimulate the growth of the bulbs.

Nourishing masks, on the other hand, help strengthen and fortify the hair shaft. In fact, in this phase the stem becomes more porous and dry for this it is necessary to choose a routine based on ingredients, even sugary, plumping to restore thickness to the stem or moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid.

And the oils, rich and concentrated

Another step to add are the oils. Packed with highly concentrated ingredients and highly nutritious, they are suitable for wraps. Distribute on dry lengths and, only if necessary, also on the scalp leaving it in place.

For a quicker treatment, however, it can be massaged with circular movements from the root to the tips which are usually the driest.

