Hair Cycling: cyclical hair care, how it works

dafter it Skin Cycling, it exploded on social mediaHair Cycling. It’s all the fault (or all thanks depending on your point of view) of tiktoker Kelsey Griffin who was the first to talk about how she dedicates herself to different hair rituals in alternating periods. This is what Hair Cycling is all about: every day you choose a specific hair routine based on your needs and then, after a few days, start again from scratch. But you shouldn’t combine the various steps – shampoo, conditioner, mask and serums – randomly. There are rules.

How to care for long hair in 5 steps

Hair Cycling: what it is and how to start correctly

Just like the skin, week after week, hair also develops different needs. One day they look frizzy and the next greasy. Not to mention the change of season which often requires an anti-hair loss product in vials to contain the loss.

Hair Cycling therefore requires you to alternate different routines over the weeks depending on your specific needs. First, for example, a shampoo and a restructuring mask, a few days later, instead, a couple of color-saving rather than thickening formulas.

Hair Cycling is inspired by Skin Cycling, in a leap in concept from skin to hair. «Haircare ingredients are increasingly similar to skincare ones – he explains Antonella Antoniniteacher of the Master in Cosmetology atUniversity of Ferrara -, just think of hyaluronic acid which, mixed with natural oils of macadamia and passionflower, reactivates the cuticle’s defenses and gives body to the foliage by plumping up the stems.”

Hair Cycling, new hair care trend (Credits: Instagram/@mirimeo)

The important thing is to always start, on the first day of Hair Cycling, with one detox shampoo. This frees the hair and scalp from smog, dandruff and excess sebum and prepare for subsequent treatments. In this sense, two products are perfect low cost: lo Anti-Dandruff Deep Cleansing Anti-Itch Shampoo with Peppermint Of Head&Shoulders That gives the skin a refreshing sensation, deeply (but delicately) cleansing the pores, and Pure Detox Purifying Shampoo Of Yves Rocher with its organic seaweed extracts from Brittany.

Hair Cycling: the hair care cycle, from detox to hydration

Second step, a need that never fails: hydration. For this reason, after the sdetox shampoothe second fundamental step of Hair Cycling turns out to be a balm or a hydrating mask.

Among the star ingredients to keep an eye on in the INCI, in addition to the aforementioned hyaluronic acid glycerin, aloe vera, linseed oil, marshmallow, mallow, rice starch, corn starch and honey. It is no coincidence that for his debut inhaircare a luxury Maison like Guerlain has bet everything on the honey produced by his black bees. This, harvested in a sustainable and responsible manner, is the active star of the entire hair range Abeille Royale. Including the conditioner that plumps the hair shafts, smoothes the cuticles and strengthens the hair fiber.

Satisfy the needs of the hair

To proceed correctly with Hair Cycling you must then become good and attentive observers. Only by noticing the shortcomings of your hair is it possible to build a cyclical routine ad hoc.

Who has blonde hair (dyed or natural) or silverfor example, will need formulas with purple pigments that counteract unsightly yellow marks. Those who have just dyed will have to keep the reflections alive with toning masks. And so on…

If in doubt which home products to use better to consult with your trusted hairdresser. This way you avoid causing damage!

