Hair and stress: how the hair changes and how to remedy it

Qwhen you are stressed the whole body is affected, even the hair. This is demonstrated by a recent Danish study, which appeared in the journal Plos Global Public Health, who made a very interesting discovery. Not just the hair they feel the stress but above all they “memorize” it with visible consequences for about three months. A discovery that leads to great benefits on prevention.

Hair and stress, the results of the new study

Conducted by some Danish researchers, the study involved some women from Iceland and Mexico. The aim was to get to know the cortisol, nicknamed “stress hormone” precisely because it is an important biomarker in these casesin a broader discourse of well-being and health also at the cardiovascular level.

The scientific study showed that the hormone is also present in the hair: “In particular was detected in the first three centimeters of the stemthat is the part of regrowth in the last three months, even in very high concentrations, reaching 24.3% in particularly stressed women “explains the doctor Elisabetta Sorbellini, trichologist.

The hair “registers” the stress levels

The results of this research are important in the study of anxiety and stress, and all related diseases: so far the cortisol level was visible in blood, saliva and urine tests, and only within 48 hours. “In detail, it was not only highlighted that the hormone is present up to the first six centimeters of the stem but above all, and this is the turning point, the hair “memorizes” the presence of cortisol for up to three months“.

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This means that not only stress and its effects can be prevented so as to anticipate the future, but above all the hormone is a fundamental marker for choosing targeted and specific treatments both for the hair and for the well-being and health of the whole organism.

The causes of stress that ruin the hair

But what does stressed hair look like? «Definitely dull, devoid of volume and more subtle than usual. Among the indicators to keep in mind is also the amount of hair that falls in a day. On average they are about 100, lost especially in the washing and combing phase. However, if, as soon as they touch each other, they fall it means that they have weakened and the cause may be stress ».

Behind different causes, “Personal and professional problems but also an unbalanced diet with the lack of some fundamental nutrients for the body, or even insomnia. This is a key marker because the overproduction of cortisol causes hypercatabolism and an alteration of the circadian cycle. Not to be underestimated then the menopausewhich tends to increase the level of stress in women, reflecting itself in the hair »says the doctor.

How to take care of a stressed hair?

A highly specific routine made of delicate and frequently used shampoo, highly moisturizing and nourishing conditioner and mask are the first steps to rebalance the hair, possibly based on hyaluronic acid or keratin.

But in addition to routine hair care, in these cases the care must be even more profound “For example, now that the summer is running out, the hair is particularly sun-tested, a great source of discomfort. For this take supplements based on melatonin, the levels of which are lowered already from the age of 20, help to strengthen the hair. As well as fill up on vitamin D, which decreases with age and in winter, to activate anti-inflammatory and metabolic mechanisms for healthy hair ».

The low temperatures should not be underestimated. «The cold tends to cause seborrheic dermatitis on the skin thus causing redness and itching and subsequent fall. For this reason, the daily routine to be adopted must also take care of the skin in order to prevent dehydration »concludes Dr. Sorbellini.

