Hailee Steinfeld: films, outfits and instagram

F.daughter of an interior decorator and a fitness trainer, Hailee Steinfeld25 years old, he had never thought about acting. He had a family normal, a normal life, she was a child without too many crickets on her head. As long as her uncles – the actors Larry Domasin and True O’Brien – with their careers they have put a worm in her head. What if I try to act? And so it was.

“I was only 8 years old,” he explained. “I saw a commercial on TV with my cousin and I asked my mother if I could go too. The next day I was enrolled in a course of acting“.

After taking several lessons “I also went to modeling, the first ads, the first earnings, a small part in a video. Then a small film e The Gritthe Coen brothers film, where they chose me from among 15,000,000 girls of my age”.

Hailee Steinfeld, teenager (but career)

It is easy to see that, with a career starting at such an early age, his life has taken on one fold different from that of many of her peers. “If I’m being honest I don’t think I missed much», However, she is keen to specify to those who ask her how many sacrifices she has made for her work. “Probably just some friend’s birthday party.”

For the rest, “I feel lucky not only to have had the support of my parents and their trust. If I look back I can not help but think about how much they never gave up with meit took years before I got a part. ‘

And when he thinks of his mom in particular, “what it carried me back and forth between an audition, a lesson, a photo shoot I can only say thank you. I wouldn’t be here without her. I love being on set, I enjoy working with others, I love the creative process behind a film or a series. I don’t think I’ve missed anything, really. With every job I learned something new and unrepeatable“.

Below, mother and daughter

Hailee Steinfeld’s love of music

Cinema was her first very precocious passion – in Italy we got to know her thanks to the film 17 years old (and how to get out alive) – but she is certainly not the only one: the actress is also musician, producer and solo singer.

17 years old (and how to get out alive) it’s a film that meant a lot to me, I am proud of what we have done. And of the topics covered, from bullying in schools to school depressionto the problems of young people in general “.

Hailee Steinfeld in Miu Miu in 2022. (Photo by Amy Sussman / WireImage)

On the love of music, “I have been studying singing for years, and produced music around the same time I started acting, ”he said. “I wrote songs, I covered other musicians”.

After the success of The Gritfor her the music has become a parallel project«And when they offered me Pitch Perfect 2, I was too happy, it was a sign of fate. Finally I could act while singing. From there, in 2015, it was born Haiz, my first album, which was followed by various tours ». In 2020 it also arrived Half Written Story, his second album.

Hailee and love

Despite the many commitments, in acting and music, he also found time for love. In the past she has been linked to Charlie Puth (2015), Cameron Smoller from 2016 to 2017, then Justin Bieber (2017) and finally Niall Horan (2018).

Below, the actress with Cameron Smoller at the time of their love

«Happy birthday to loveliest person on the planet and one of my best friends @haileesteinfeld, ”Horan wrote on Instagram, somehow confirming the relationship. “I have no idea what the hell is going on in this photo. I love you“.

The two were often seen together, especially at concerts and other musical events and informal dinners. In an interview, without ever mentioning Niall’s name, she said that “when you fall in love, grasp the smallest things about yourself. I’m someone who stretches out on the mattress and takes up every inch of space. Now I don’t want to do it anymore. I want to give as much space as possible. You start doing things for this person and go out of your way to make them happy, and when you see her happy, it makes you happier“.

And “when you love who you are with that person, there is nothing that can compare.” The story, however, burned out quickly, and it seems to have ended in December 2018as confirmed Entertainment Tonight. Since then, little or nothing is known about his private life.

Hailee Steinfeld ne The Grit by the Cohen Brothers

After getting noticed in the Festival circuit by interpreting the short film She’s a Fox (2009), she appeared at the auditions for the remake of the drama The Grit (2010) dei Coen Brothers. Not only does he get the part – he shows up, along with 15,000 girlsfor the role of Mattie Ross – but it also proves perfectly at the height of the co-star Jeff Bridgesas well as of Josh Brolin and Matt Damonother actors in the film.

Not only that: for The Grit at just 14 years old, he also touchesOscar for Best Supporting Actress, and gets other major nominations (BAFTA, Screen Actors Guild). The Oscar of that 83rd edition will then go to Melissa Leo.

Of the audition he remembers: «I have very vivid images! I was sick, very nervous but at the same time serious, prepared, ready to split the world, ”he said. “Then Joel introduced me to Jeff Bridges. He gave me the most important advice of all. He told me: “Have fun, otherwise change jobs“. And he still has fun. “

He doesn’t get an Oscar, that’s true, but she is noticed by the Miu Miu brand, which chooses her as its testimonial. Small consolation. On the other hand, she really likes fashion, «above all reinventing styles and concepts according to the evolution of tastes. I love the elegance of Grace Kelly, Jackie O. and Kate Middleton. Among my favorite designers there are Rodarte, Prabal Gurung, Prada, Valentino, Christopher Kane and Dolce and Gabbana“.

The flop with Romeo and Juliet

Only three years later, in 2013, he gets the part of Juliet Capulets in the film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet signed by Carlo Carlei.

Hailee Steinfeld, who was 17 at the time, gets the part, for which she should playing a 20-year-old girl. Unfortunately, however, it is not credible and the film becomes a flop. The general public snubs the film, and critics speak badly of it.

Hailee Steinfeld’s other films

After the crazy flop of Romeo and Juliettry to relaunch his career the same year with a minor role in Everything can change, where she plays Violet, the daughter of Mark Ruffalo. This time, audiences and critics appreciate it, as it will also happen in the next film, Ender’s Game with Harrison Forda sci-fi action-adventure.

On the other hand, his participation in 3 Days to Kill (2014) with Kevin Costnerwhile back in vogue in Pitch Perfect 2, where he can combine his love for music with that for acting. Meanwhile, in 2018 she voiced the starring role of Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman in the film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

In the role of Emily Dickinson

Between 2019 and 2021 Hailee Steinfeld lends her face to interpret Emily Dickinson, giving her a portrait out of traditional clichés. «For me she was a unique opportunity to be able to interpret such a legend which had such a huge effect on people and continues to have it today, ”he said.

“Putting on the shoes of Emily Dickinson and getting to the bottom of her thoughts was how to understand what this great poet felt. And it’s wonderful to think that if you were here today and you got to see the show you would understand how much his works have had for people “. She the actress said she “grew up thanks to her Emily, who she learned inspire me in many different ways “.

The series in 30 episodes has seen «its evolution through the three seasons. And, from the beginning, fiction seemed like something to me completely different than anything I had seen before. I really liked the parallel made between his time and contemporaneity through music, language… ».

The public “responded very wellhe digested all the themes of the series directly. As if they concerned them firsthand and it was not a biopic in costume ».

The relationship with social media

With his 18.3 million followers on Instagram, Hailee Steinfeld, unlike her darling Emily Dickinson, has the opportunity to make her voice heard thanks to social media. And she defines them “wonderful, because they allow you to connect and reach out to a lot of people», Explained the actress.

“If I stop to think about this number of followers I find it almost absurd, but it’s a privilege to have people following you and to whom, through the character of Emily Dickinson, I can convey what she had to say. And that often also refers to topics that people are usually afraid to talk about“.

The series Hawkeye

In 2021, Hailee Steinfeld also starred in the series Hawkeye, set in New York City. Clint Barton, played by Jeremy Renner, crosses paths with Kate Bishop-Hailee Steinfeld, becomes her mentor and together the two they face a threat from the past.

hailee steinfeld

Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld on the set of Hawkeye. (Photo by Gotham / GC Images)

On his Kate Bishop, he explained that “it’s so tough, it cannot be denied. It is so smart, witty and fast and his physical ability to do so many things is skyrocketing. It really tested me and kept me busy throughout the quarantine. You allowed me to overcome it. ‘

The actress said she felt “lucky to play such a beloved role. Fans have been waiting for it for a long time. To be her I had to come up with one discipline and determination that I didn’t know I had inside of me ».

Bishop and Dickinson, Hailee’s two heroines

The two characters he has played recently are very different, but they have one very important thing in common. “They are both heroines in their own rightthey share impulse, wit and passion“, he said. And if young Hailee has made it this far, she too seems to have these qualities in common with them.

