Haarlem takes mother’s day photos for Ukrainian fathers left behind: “This is love”

Ukrainian mothers were photographed in Haarlem with their children. This special Mother’s Day photo shoot was organized by photographer Hélène Wiesenhaan. The photos taken are sent on Father’s Day to the fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers who have stayed behind in Ukraine.

Mother’s and Father’s Day gift for Ukrainians – NH Nieuws / Geja Sikma

After the shoot, photographer Hélène has to recover from all the emotions. “I did not expect that mothers would thank me with tears in their eyes. That it does so much to people is really beautiful and moving. I am a mother myself, so I almost started crying.”

Wiesenhaan had announced her action on Facebook and could count on a lot of support. For example, the photos were allowed to be taken at Landgoed Duinlust and a bouncy castle was placed for the children’s entertainment. Piles of clothes have also been donated.

Text continues below the photo.

Photographer Hélène Wiesenhaan gives a special Mother’s and Father’s Day gift – NH Nieuws

“I am giving this shoot as a gift together with photographer Sonja Velda,” continues Wiesenhaan. “But outside the shoot, we also want to give the children a great day with a bouncy castle, make-up and ice creams. The mothers receive the photos digitally and in print and then they can give them to the fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers in Ukraine on Father’s Day. .”

“A girl of fifteen loved it so much that she wants to take the Dutch mentality of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to her country”

Photographer Hélène Wiesenhaan

Ukrainian Karina and Iryna are very happy with the photo shoot. “Families are now separated, this is a connection,” says Iryna.

“These photos are really supportive of the people who are still left in Ukraine,” Karina adds. “We’re glad we could participate in this. This is about love and not about survival.”

mothers Day

Both Mother’s and Father’s Day as we know it is not well known in Ukraine. “They celebrate it on a different day and in a different way. I don’t know how exactly,” said Wiesenhaan.

“Let’s introduce it there because I understand they like it. A fifteen-year-old girl loved it so much that she wants to go back to her country, but with the Dutch mentality of Mother’s and Father’s Day. Beautiful”, laughs Wiesenhaan.

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