Haarlem station transformed into Amsterdam Central for a series about resistance fighter

Haarlem station will serve as the setting for a new war series next week. Work is currently underway to transform the station into a pre-war Amsterdam Central station. “Somewhat surprised travelers look around and take pictures with the props,” reports reporter Jelle Dijkstra.

It’s about the National Geographic series A Small Light about the life of Miep Gies. She helped people in hiding in the Secret Annex and ensured that Anne Frank’s diary was preserved.

The name of the series is a reference to a statement by Gies. “Even a normal secretary, housewife or teenager can shine a small light in a dark room.” The series will have eight episodes and can be seen on streaming service Disney+.

Due to the recordings, this week in Amsterdam closed off several streets. In Haarlem, filming will take place up to and including Monday. In addition to Amsterdam and Haarlem, parts of the series will also be shot in Prague.

Ocean’s Twelve

It is not the first time that Haarlem station has had to pass for Amsterdam Central in an international film. A Thalys was specially driven to Haarlem for Ocean’s Twelve with George Clooney. During the recordings, however, the station turned out not to be suitable for the train. The Thalys broke an overhead line, causing delays and considerable financial damage.
