Haarlem GP consultation hour for refugees stops, municipalities must take over

The regional special consultation hour for Ukrainian refugees in the Spaarne Gasthuis Zuid in Haarlem will stop again on 1 June, after just two months. Municipalities in the region must then arrange consultation hours for Ukrainians themselves or in collaboration with each other, a spokeswoman for Huisartsen Zuid-Kennemerland reported. Work would already be done on a consultation hour in IJmuiden.

According to the spokeswoman for Huisartsen Zuid-Kennemerland, the new consultation hour will be at a location in IJmuiden, but the municipality cannot say anything about that yet.

There is a simple reason that the Haarlem weekly consultation hour is ending. The spokeswoman of the GP cooperative: “We started the consultation hour for the refugees in Haarlem almost a month and a half ago. That was to have something, so that Ukrainians could at least visit a GP somewhere. Now we have said to municipalities in the region themselves to set something up.”

Hard target date

Not that the date June 1 is set in stone, but you will have to set a date, according to the spokeswoman: “We will of course always help people who really need help, but the municipalities know that June 1 is a really hard target date to fuses.”

In other municipalities in Kennemerland, the plans to organize consultation hours locally are currently less concrete than in Velsen, according to the spokeswoman.
