Haaland’s repulsive dinner

05/16/2023 at 11:08


The Manchester City forward published the images of one of his six meals that he eats a day

“I’m confused. They are like feces. It seems disgusting,” his followers wrote on the networks

It is not the first time that the eating habits of Erling Haaland arouse curiosity or controversy. Because the Norwegian striker follows a unique diet to boost his energy and speed for which he must consume 6,000 calories per day.

The City striker eats six meals a day and yesterday he shared with his Instagram followerstom one of them, just after Arsenal’s defeat against Brighton that brings the league title closer to the citizen.

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And before the image of some strange, nauseating and indecipherable food, Haaland wrote: “This is devilishly good (That’s bloody lovely).” The reactions of his millions of followers, compiled in ‘The Sun’, soon flooded social networks: “Never let him cook new“, “He forgot to let his dog out before the game”, “I’m confused. They are like feces”, “It seems disgusting“…Many wrote that Haaland’s dinner was based on livers.

About the diet Haaland Many things have already been said. Joshua Kinghis teammate in the Norwegian national team, already said some time ago that “he’s a weirdo, I’ve never seen anyone eat like him. He’s gaining muscle. He just eats like a bear“. In the diet of Haaland there is no shortage of livers and hearts to gain energy and even enjoy a lasagna before playing the games.

Own Haaland He has already explained his customs: “You do not eat this, but I am concerned about taking care of my body. I believe that eating quality food that is as local as possible is the most important thing. People say that meat is bad, but… which one? Does the meat you buy in McDonald’s? Or the local cow that eats grass right there? I eat heart and liver,” he explained on ‘The Big Decision’.
