Haaga parish offers support to those shocked by the decision to close Popeda

Haaga parish’s tweet divides opinions.

Tuesday has been full of Popeda. Antti Nikkanen

The legendary Finnish band Popeda announced today, Tuesday, that they are calling it quits.

After all, this is where the song started, because Popeda has touched many people with his songs that have become classics.

After all, it’s not all about mourning for the country, but the Haaga parish in Helsinki still offers a helping hand to those who need support now:

– The decision to close Popeda has shocked many Finns today. Jesus spent 3 years on the road, Pate 15 times longer.

– We offer support and discussion help to all Twitter users even in the midst of this crisis, Haaga parish tweets.

If the Twitter embed is not visible, you can access it from this link.

The tweet has attracted attention.

– Three years did J have time to tour? I thought even longer, one Twitter user commented.

– And there was no gig bus in use.

– We went with donkeys. Did they distribute flyers a couple of days before the h-moment that “Jesus on Friday at the market 12-13 and on Kolmen seppa hill 15-16. Feel free to come to the talks?” this is answered.

– Jesse’s apprenticeship gig was definitely harder than any of Popeda’s productions, comments are also made on Twitter.

And referring to Popeda’s song:

– But did Jesus visit Alabama?

However, not everyone is happy with the church’s tweet:

– You really didn’t compare Jesus to Popeda, did you?

– It’s a comparison again. Shame on you!

Pate Mustajärvi received Popeda’s lifetime achievement award at the Suomirock gala in 2017.
