Gyrokinesis: what it is, exercises for weight loss and all the benefits

This type of training relieves the lower limbs and gives balance to the whole body

Sabrina Commis

November 12

It is the favorite of many VIPs, but it is also liked by many ordinary people: it is GYROKINESIS®, in the collective imagination thought of as a gymnastics for dancers, in reality much more. The creator of the method? Juliu Horvarth, former dancer. “It mixes important disciplines in a harmonious way – he explains Susanna Castinotrainer of GYROKINESIS® in Aspria Harbor Club, Milan – and gives an uninterrupted flow of energy throughout the lesson ”. The lesson is divided into three phases and begins with self-massage and breathing exercises to awaken the body. “Low stools are used to sit on and perform bends, twists, various movements to mobilize the spine. We then move on to phase two: the body is fully involved, breathing takes on a primary role, the energy channels open up. And we are on the way to the third and final phase, which includes exercises on the ground to widen the spine and involve the lower and upper part of the body ”.

General well-being

The GYROKINESIS® methodology works in a non-invasive and gentle way on the joints and muscles with wave and rhythmic movements. “Breathing it is a natural component of the method. The founding concept? The fluidity linked to the idea of ​​growth of the joint spaces. The positions not held for long, are uniform and connected in a harmonious, rhythmic, soft way. The body acquires its space, regains energy, improves the quality of life through an energetic and fun job“.


First of all, lengthening and strengthening of the general musculature. You will have a mechanically “freer” back and the part that is usually sore will have immediate benefits as a result of the change in posture imposed by the movements. “Thanks to the GYROKINESIS® methodology, the work is three-dimensional on joints and muscle groups, the stiffness is unblocked. Recommended technique in the growth phase to harmonize the muscles, give the figure a concrete alignmentmake it ready for any sport: it is in fact possible to differentiate training according to needs and the type of discipline practiced “.
