Gymnastics trainers Kooistra and Werkhoven acquitted by ISR

Gymnastics trainers Kooistra and Werkhoven acquitted by ISR ANP

The Institute of Sports Law (ISR) has acquitted gymnastics trainers Wolther Kooistra and Claudia Werkhoven of transgressive behaviour. According to the disciplinary committee, it has not been sufficiently established that the trainers of gymnastics club Turnz Amsterdam are guilty of violations of the disciplinary regulations.

According to the judgment, at least four reports have been filed against Kooistra and Werkhoven. The incidents reported in the reports mainly concern the period 2010-2020.

Against Kooistra, the prosecutor demanded a suspension of sixteen months, of which twelve were conditional, with a probationary period of two years. For Werkhoven, the requirement was a conditional suspension of eight months with a probation period of two years. The prosecutor has four weeks to appeal to the ISR.

Kooistra and Werkhoven have Orange gymnasts Sanna Veerman and Elze Geurts under their care in Amsterdam.
