Gymnastics shock: European champion Malewski misses the World Cup

The German gymnastics team has to cope with another failure shortly before the World Championships.

European champion Emma Malewski will miss the title fights from September 30th to October 8th. The German Gymnastics Federation announced that the 19-year-old was injured during training in Frankfurt during the last training session before leaving for Antwerp. While dismounting from the uneven bars, Malewski tore the anterior syndesmotic ligament in his left ankle.

“It’s a big shock for me at the moment. The first thoughts were immediately, what about the World Cup? Unfortunately, I can’t change the situation, all my strength and support now goes to my girls. I hope that they qualify for the Olympics ” said Malewski. She will be out for several weeks. Karina Schönmaier from Bremen has now moved into the World Cup starting line-up.

Like Malewski, German record champion Elisabeth Seitz will also be missing. She tore her right Achilles tendon during training earlier this month.
