Gym: women do little because of work and family

C.he the gender gap and also in sports practice, it is something not to be believed. And, instead, it is just like that: even when it comes to going to the gym or practicing physical activity, women start out at a disadvantage.

Ursula Von der Leyen's powerful message against the gender gap

Gender gap also for the gym

The reason is not difficult to understand: in addition to work, in fact, they have all the family burden on them: husband, children, sometimes even parents and husbands or companions who are not always cooperative at home. Needless to say, this certainly doesn’t help motivation.

Inactive population: health is affected

WHO, the World Health Organization, has estimated that the 28% of the world population is physically inactivea fact that is already disturbing in itself that worsens if, once again, it arises the magnifying glass on women. Since it is higher for the female gender (33%) than for the male one (23%).

Even when it comes to going to the gym or exercising, women start out at a disadvantage. (Pixabay)

The “Women’s Hurdles” project

The European project starts from here and from the analysis of the gender gap in sporting practice Women’s Hurdles“(Women’s obstacles) co-funded by the program ERASMUS + SPORT and carried out by the Prevention and Protection Unit of the National Research Council – CNR. The goal is to be able to develop and transfer innovative practices related to physical activity in a high-risk and usually difficult to reach population such as women, especially those with family and workloads.

Over a two-year period (2020-2022), an analysis of the literature on the topic was conducted. So it was made a survey to identify obstacles to physical activity and imagine possible solutions. And, through web searches, we tried to understand what women are looking for online on the subject of physical activity. All this with the aim of understanding in an innovative way what the real barriers are e identify “good practices” for women in different countries.

Gender gap sport activity: the golden rules

Some principles emerge, “Golden Rules”, that can lead the way: from the greater involvement of women in the decision-making pyramid, to the possibility offered by the world of work and gyms to offer concrete possibilities and help for women to play sports. Without forgetting communication and reference models. Both play a decisive role in getting a woman to start playing sports, but above all that you continue to do so throughout your life.

Men, help more around the house

Certainly men must try to make a qualitative leap. The family must be managed together and it is not just the woman’s responsibility, which still happens too often. The greater contribution in the home of the partner who increases the time available to the companionsit is definitely a stimulus for physical activity.

The fundamental role of the school

But help doesn’t have to come at home. A very important role is played by the school. In fact, it has been proven that the more adolescents do physical activity, the more they maintain this good habit over time.

But gyms can also play their part by offering more services. For example, there are already virtuous structures that they offer mothers a babysitting service or a place where children can do their homework while they do physical activity. What’s important is that the lack of physical activity of women is no longer attributable to too heavy a burden at home and in the family which does not allow her to devote time to herself.

