Gym associations in Southeast Drenthe sound the alarm: ‘No trainer to be found’

Hegen noticed that there was a shortage of gym teachers after the permanent gym teacher of the association indicated that she wanted to stop. There was no response to the vacancy. Five other gym associations from the region reported the same problem.

The association from Sleen turned to the municipality of Coevorden for help. A plan has been made together with the neighborhood sports coach and the gym associations Unido Emmer-Compascuum, Dol Olympia Nieuw-Amsterdam/Veenoord, NDEO Nieuw-Dordrecht, Gym and Dance Association Dalen, ASG from Geesbrug and Gym Association Sleen.

Instead of posting several vacancies of a few hours each, a joint vacancy has been posted for a full-time job for a trainer. As a result, the associations hope to be able to attract a trainer for the Southeast Drenthe region. So far not much response has been received.

Alieke Wijholds, policy advisor lifestyle and exercise at the municipality of Coevorden, is not surprised by the shortage of trainers. “We also receive signals from other associations in the region. For example, from swimming associations, but there are also too few referees,” says Wijholds.

Wijholds explains that the associations are struggling to keep enough members in, especially in the villages. In addition, there are several associations in a village and they all fish in the same pond with members.

According to Wijholds, this problem does not only occur in Southeast Drenthe, but probably throughout the Netherlands. Together with the municipalities and within its own sports and prevention agreement, the municipality of Coevorden is considering how club life can also be maintained in the future.

The policy advisor sees opportunities in collaborations between associations within a village or city, in order to maintain the number of trainers, volunteers and members.
