Gwyneth Paltrow’s children in a rare co-image

Gwyneth Paltrow says she shocked her teenage children with the wallpaper on her phone.

The actress has two children, 17-year-old Apple and 16-year-old Moses. Erik Pendzich / Shutterstock, AOP

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow also occasionally publishes her 17-year-old children on her own Instagram account Apple and 16-year-olds Moses, affiliations. Now, however, the children are posing with each other in a rare collective image, and behind the fresh shot lies a prank.

Paltrow says the teenage offspring had been embarrassed by the wallpaper on his phone, posing with a shirtless husband, Brad Falchuk. Apple and Moses took the reins into their own hands and updated the wallpaper to a new one.

“I had a picture of a shirtless Brad on my lock screen and my children were traumatized by taking this selfie,” Paltrow says in his company newsletter, which also shared a picture of his children.

The shot shows blond haired teens posing for the camera.

– They took my phone and grabbed this picture, Paltrow writes.

You can view the image below or from here.

Paltrow got Apple and Moses together with her ex-husband’s singer Chris Martinin with. The actress is also the stepmother of her current husband’s two teenage children, Brody and Isabella.

Source: People
