Gus Schumacher: youth world champion and fisherman

Youth world champion Gus Schumacher fishes during the summer.

Schumacher skied the U.S. team in the third leg of the post. PASSI FLAME

Triple youth skiing world champion and fisherman.

American skier Gus Schumacher, 21, is a special case. He focuses on skiing in the winters, but fishes salmon commercially in the summer.

– It’s a family business. We fished a lot commercially for 6-7 years. I’ve been fishing my whole life, he says.

The Schumacher family fishes in the Kenai River in southern Alaska. The days are long.

– We wake up early and clean up late in the evening. My parents took me along in part to teach hard work. That would be good for everyone.

The catches have been considerable.

– We got 4,536 kilos of fish on the best day. Three 60-meter nets to the full.

Until a few years ago, fishing was Schumacher’s profession and main source of income. Now, however, he focuses on skiing and studying.

Schumacher is studying engineering at the University of Anchorage.

– I have studied for 3-4 years. There are still three years left. The degree is progressing slowly, but it doesn’t hurt because I ski.

Schumacher describes Alaska in many ways a similar place to Finland. Nature is close to the city.

– In the Ruka World Cup, everyone complains about darkness, but in Alaska it is similar. It is easy to get to nature.

Hat lift for the neck

The U.S. team finished ninth in Sunday’s post. PASSI FLAME

Cross-country skiing is a marginal sport in the United States. According to Schumacher, the sport is of interest to the general public mainly during the Olympics.

The status of skiing means that some U.S. national team skiers have to do civilian work.

– Some of the national team skiers have other jobs. We’re doing pretty well. In the United States, however, skiing is not as easy as in many other countries.

Cross-country skiing gained space in the United States last week when Iivo Niskasen and Krista Pärmäkoski the images appeared on Times Square in New York. Schumacher raises his hat for the rapture and Niskanen.

– At first I didn’t understand it was Times Square. Pretty crazy. Amazing performance.

Historical gains

Schumacher won the youth World Cup gold in 2020. AOP

Schumacher ascended the ski nation’s radar no later than 2020, when he won the 10-kilometer traditional race youth world championship. Gold also came from the message.

It helped on the sponsor front, but also in sports circles.

– I remember those races if I have problems with my self-confidence. Success at the junior level doesn’t always go to the adult level, but the world championships showed my peers that it’s possible.

Schumacher is the first American man to win the Youth World Ski Championship. Last season, he was 18th in the Tour de Skin’s overall race, the best U.S. result from the tour.

This season, the best result of the World Cup is 11th place in Ruka’s 15-kilometer race. In his first Olympics in Beijing, Schumacher has been 39th in the combined race and 48th in 15 kilometers.

– This season has been more difficult. Development is not always smooth. You have to be patient.

The United States was ninth in the men’s message. Schumacher’s wish is to hurt the podium sometimes.

– It would be great if we ever won a gold medal or a medal. I also dream of winning a personal Olympics. Fortunately, there is a lot of time for that.
