Gullit: “Ronaldo will have regretted leaving Juventus for a reason”

The former AC Milan footballer judges the Portuguese

Former AC Milan footballer Ruud Gullit, winner of the Ballon d’Or in 1987, expressed his opinion on Cristiano Ronaldo not going through a positive moment at Manchester United. With the Portuguese returning to the Premier League after his experience at Juventus, the English club reached 6th place in the standings and also lost the Champions League. “I think Ronaldo still wants to show the world how good he is,” Gullit admitted. This guy has an incredibly strong mindset. He doesn’t say it, but I think he regrets having returned to Manchester United having left a team left in the Champions League which is Juventus. I think he hoped things would get better. Therefore, he wants to show everyone who has criticized him how much he is worth. He has a mission, “Gullit told Yahoo Sport.
