Guitarist The Smiths boos over gebruik song in Trump campaign | Buitenland

“I had no idea in a million years that I could think about this,” writes Marr in a film of a verkiezingsbijeenkomst van Trump. The number Please, Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want is duidelijk te horen.

The guitarist is very famous for his volgers. The videos also showed that Trump had a different number from The Smiths. “Last I Know It’s Over Gebruiken,” writes Volger Nick Smith. Another volume has been published in Barbarism Begins At Home.

Many people will listen to the music that Trump used from The Smiths. Ze mödigen Marr then also actie te othernemen. He wants a grandchild to have his artiest work filed against Trump. The Rolling Stones, Neil Young and Tom Petty were among the artists who played in Trump’s music.

He is not the first one to have the Marr boos is a politician. In 2010, the great British Prime Minister David Cameron was a fan of The Smiths. Via “Want dat ben je niet.”

The Smiths were one of the most important British bands in recent years. In the Netherlands there were modest hits with songs like Bigmouth Strikes Again, Panic and Girlfriend In A Coma. In the latest edition of the NPO Radio 2 Top 2000 stond the band from Manchester with four numbers in the list. There’s A Light That Never Goes Out was op 489 het hoogst genoteerd.
