Guido Weijers wants to prevent new theater lockdowns together with the minister

Comedian Guido Weijers wants a conversation with corona minister Ernst Kuipers about the risks that the theater sector runs in the event of a possible outbreak of a new corona wave in the autumn. The comedian writes this in a letter that he sent the minister on Wednesday.

Weijers asks Kuipers to start a conversation with the culture sector about how a lockdown can be prevented if the number of infections increases again. “As a minister, you have asked us to take responsibility ourselves in the event of a new corona pandemic. I would like to respond to your call. I have a well-thought-out plan ready for a large part of the cultural sector.”

Checkerboard system
The comedian believes that the so-called ‘checkerboard system’ can be a safe solution. Each visitor has a free seat next to them. This way, half of the room can always be filled. That system was tested, for example, at a football match between NEC and De Graafschap. According to Weijers, Fieldlabs subsequently judged that this system is safe.

According to the comedian, it is very important that the theaters do not have to close again for the next corona peak. “In the coming weeks I will coordinate this plan with theaters. If you want to know more, I will be happy to explain it. If you have a better plan yourself, I would of course also like to hear from you”, Weijers ends his letter.
