Guido Weijers is not yet rid of Yvonne: ‘Juice quake coming’

Yvonne Coldeweijer does not let go in her juice case against Guido Weijers. After two months, she still threatens with intense information about the cabaret artist: she even drops the name of Thijs Römer.

© YouTube, RTL

It has now been almost two months since Yvonne Coldeweijer announced a major juice investigation into Guido Weijers. She has received information about alleged holiday ladies, who would travel with him in exchange for certain things: “Bah. Guido (45) has recently only gone on holiday with 20-year-old girls.”

Yvonne’s research

If that is the case, then there is of course nothing criminal about it at all, but just over a month ago Yvonne said she had learned more: “I have had a lot of contact with girls who have told me about a number of experiences. told. Given the age of these girls at the time, I am quite concerned.”

Shortly afterwards, Yvonne went completely wild in her podcast, for example by calling Guido a ‘dirty dog’. However, she indicated that she is still waiting for a response from the comedian: “Yeah, I just want him to respond. Van: Guido, this is going to be really harmful to you.”


Apparently Guido still hasn’t responded, because Yvonne’s juice will remain under lock and key in the refrigerator for the time being. But how much longer?

Suddenly, after quite a long radio silence, the juice queen now comes with some kind of threat on her juice channel. A follower asks her: “Is there any juice waiting to shake the ground under everyone?”

She writes: “The girls Guido Weijers had contact with were even younger than those of Thijs Römer.”

In one breath

It is of course quite intense to mention someone in the same breath as Thijs Römer, because the actor has been convicted of criminal offenses against minors. What Yvonne wants to say with this suggestive statement, remains a guess for the time being.

One reassurance for Guido: Yvonne doesn’t always persevere with juice. For example, in the spring she threatened with sleaze and dirt about Patty Brard, but that ended with a fizzle.


Guido has just returned from his holiday to Scotland. He posted a video about it this morning:
