Guido Weijers breaks record with his New Year’s Eve conference

His eleventh time on the TV with a New Year’s Eve conference makes Guido Weijers from Boxmeer a record holder. Never before has a comedian provided a New Year’s Eve conference on television more than ten times. Last year, Weijers canceled his conference because the corona rules gave him too much uncertainty about the presence of the public.

This year it will happen, and the fact that he sets a new record makes Weijers very proud. “It is an honor that I have been able to close the year on TV so many times. Such a record also makes you look back. Are jokes from my previous shows no longer available or are they extra current? These are exciting times. That makes an evening of laughter more liberating than ever.”

The new show is not yet finished, so the comedian has to work on his story in the coming months. “Everyone sees a show on TV that is ‘finished’. In the months before the show is tested and refined in theaters. Every day new jokes and stories. Strangely enough, I and the audience also find the raw, spontaneous evenings often the most fun.”

Weijers is known for saying what he wants in his shows and just expressing his thoughts. “At a time when everyone is being canceled and the snitch culture is experiencing its heyday, more needs to be said than ever. That’s why I decided to make a show, which I’m now trying out in theaters.”

Those performances are already well received, he says. “Fortunately, every night there are already uncomfortable ooohs in the room and there is already a lot of laughter. The Netherlands will soon be able to start the new year in a good mood!” The conference can be seen on December 31.

ALSO READ: Guido Weijers wants to prevent new theater lockdowns together with the minister
