Guido den Aantrekker beaten by mangle in Privé: ‘Jealous loser!’

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker is being beaten up in the magazine of his great rival Evert Sankrediets: de Privé. He is not only called jealous, but also a sore loser

© William Rutten

A week and a half ago Evert Sankrediets had a very controversial cover. His Privé went big with intimate images of André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg, who were photographed by a paparazzo of the magazine during their vacation in Florida. Good detective work, says Evert. A tip from Monique, Guido says: “One thousand percent.”

Edwin vs Guido

According to Privé star journalist Edwin Bredius, it is laughable that Guido claims that it is ‘one thousand percent’ sure that Monique would have tipped off their whereabouts. He states that they found André and Monique after clever detective work, and not after a tip from Monique or someone else.

Edwin finds Guido laughable. He points out that the Story, in the week that Privé came up with the revealing photos, claimed that André would choose an existence ‘as a father alone’. A big mouth is out of place if you’re so wrong, says the Privé journalist.

Jealous colleague

Guido gets a big sneer from Edwin. He writes: “A jealous colleague made it very furious. In that week he completely missed the point with a fake story about the two, but instead of keeping a low profile, he knew exactly how it would have gone with us: 1000% sure that Monique had tipped!”

“He turned out not only to be a sore loser (bad loser, ed.), but also misinformed again! Because, no, neither André and Monique knew anything about our coming. Neither of them noticed that those photos, lying under a patio chair, were taken by photographer Wesley de Wit.”

‘Story Follows Rachel’

Private star journalist Edwin agrees with Yvonne Coldeweijer’s claim that Guido would base his entire reporting on André Hazes Jr. on his good friend Rachel Hazes.

He sneered: “It was no surprise to Privé that the couple would one day get back together. While other media (read: Story, ed.) listened to Rachel’s story, this weekly already knew for sure last November that there would be another glue attempt.”

Not impressed

What does Guido think? He says he is not at all impressed by the intimate photos of André and Monique. According to him, these suggest ‘more than is actually going on’. The photos with Monique are indeed ‘dear and heartfelt’, Guido says in the Story, but according to him, the folk singer also acts like that to the neighbor’s dog.

According to Guido, it cannot be ruled out that Monique has indeed been loose-lipped against Privé. “That to show the outside world that the singer can’t do without her after all, and to enforce a public reparation in that way.”
