Guido den Aantrekker bashes Eva Jinek: ‘Heavily overpaid and lazy’

Guido den Aantrekker was very annoyed by Eva Jinek’s interview with Winston Gerschtanowitz, whom he loved so much. The Story boss calls her “severely overpaid” and “lazy.”

© SBS 6, RTL 4

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker is not pleased that Eva Jinek wanted to lecture her TV colleague Winston Gerschtanowitz last night in her talk show on RTL 4. He believes that she has no right to speak because of her TV salary and yells that she just hangs lazily over her table.

‘Hilarious TV’

Eva has questioned Winston quite critically about EarthToday, his ‘charity’ that has been exposed by Quote weekly as a kind of money machine for the founders. He didn’t have an easy time at the table and at one point even started to shout out a bit. The message? “I’m not like Sywert!”

Guido thought Eva’s critical questions were misplaced. According to Jinek, who earns more than a million with her private holidays in between some talk shows. Hilarious TV. †

Heavily overpaid

According to Guido, Rachel Hazes’ media bestie, it’s just laughable. “A heavily overpaid part-time TV presenter who lazily hangs over the table and wants to lecture an entrepreneur. Pretty hilarious though.”

Guido states that Winston is a topper. “I know Winston as an honest person, an intelligent entrepreneur and I like him. I like to say that. I think that the Quote 500 really contains villains that we will not read about from you.”

Blue eyes

Quote editor Martijn Zeven thinks that Guido’s opinion is very biased. “In this case, you are making a fallacy if you believe Winston on his blue eyes.”

Guido, who like Winston works for SBS 6, continues: “I never believe anyone’s blue eyes. I just know Winston better.”

Winston has defended himself very well, Guido concludes. “That can usually only be credible if you are sincere.”

eva bashing

It is far from the first time that Guido is critical of Eva. When she just started at RTL 4, he even posted negative tweets about the talk show host every night.

Furthermore, it has been a thorn in Guido’s side for years that Eva sometimes says ‘de’ instead of ‘het’ and vice versa. “Eternal excuse: not my native language. But if you’re on TV every night in a talk show, I think you can do something about it.”


One of Guido’s tweets:
