Guide: Small Anti-Greenwashing Manual

Greenwashing is infiltrating more and more in our daily life: from 100% green lotion which is not really green, to half-recycled sneakers, including all these products supposed to “save the planet” … the true from the false?

Faced with the growing expectations of citizen-consumers, brands sometimes find themselves falling into the trap of this type of clumsy communication. And this while 53% of French people say they no longer buy a brand when it no longer respects the values ​​it displays *.

In order to see more clearly, this guide humbly aims to:
– help you recognize greenwashing in all its forms (including the most subtle)
– and teach you to avoid it, by asking yourself the right questions before disseminating a message linked to a commitment.

Whether you are a product manager, creative, customer manager, communication manager, or student or citizen-consumer, here are some keys to know how to identify greenwashing in order to better condemn it.

Today, the ecological and social transition depends on companies and their concrete actions. By striving to drive greenwashing out of our practices, let us move forward with more integrity and transparency!

On the program of this Anti-Greenwashing guide

  • Edito
  • Introduction
  • What is Greenwashing?
  • Why is this important?
  • Legal bases and soft-law?
  • Anti-washing survival guide
  • Conclusion

* according to an OpinionWay survey for Salesforce and Les Echos conducted in May 2021


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