guest list and ‘uncomfortable’ reunions at the party in El Pardo


Act. at 09:31


The Princess will swear the Constitution before the Cortes, in a solemn session of the Congress and the Senate; Afterwards, the liturgy will continue in the Royal Palace, where the Government will impose the Collar of the Order of Carlos III, and the Princess of Asturias will predictably give a short speech.

The Princess Leonor turns 18 on October 31and the script of that very important day For the heir to the throne of Spain it has already been written, down to the millimeter. After a few weeks full of notable events (flag oath, hand-kissing on Hispanic Heritage Day and the Princess of Asturias Awards), the first-born of King Felipe and Letizia will close the month by reaching the age of majority, in a day that will be divided in two acts: the public sphere and the private sphere.

Eleanor will swear the Constitution before the Cortes, in a solemn session of the Congress and the Senate. Afterwards, the liturgy will continue in the Royal Palace, where the Government will impose on her the Collar of the Order of Charles III, and the Princess of Asturias will predictably give a short speech.

The institutional events will give way to the “family and private celebration that will include the Royal Family, the family of HM the King and the family of HM the Queen”, as reported by Casa Real, which has also explained that the meeting will be in the palace of El Pardo.

The complete Bourbons

In addition to the Kingsit is expected that the Infanta Sofiasince October 31 coincides with the vacation period at UWC Atlantic College, the boarding school in Wales where he is studying.

In fact, the entire Borbón family will be there. As the chronicler and writer Pilar Eyre has advanced, Juan Carlos He has also received an invitation. Leonor has not met her grandfather in the last three years, since the emeritus left for Abu Dhabi when the Prosecutor’s Office investigated the origin of her fortune. Despite being separated from the royal family, they would count on him for this historic day.

Aunts and cousins

That return would have led, according to Eyre, for Leonor’s aunts to also attend the party, Elena and Cristinaand also their children: Froilán, Victoria Federica, on one side, and Juan, Pablo, Miguel and Irene, on the other.

In total, it is estimated that fifty guests to the palace that was the official residence of the dictator Franco. Counting, of course, the queen emerita Sofía and Letizia’s parents: Paloma Rocasolano and Jesús Ortizwhich have always been in the princess’s important celebrations (baptism, communion, confirmation…).

On the part of the queen, the assistance of her little sister Telma, as well as her two daughters, her other niece, Carla Vigoas well as the current partners of Letizia’s divorced parents.
