Guessing the picture of the new Mercedes car

New tires, new wings, new chassis: Formula 1 racing cars are getting a completely new face for the 2022 season. How exactly the teams’ cars will look is a big mystery. Mercedes has now at least partly lowered its pants and published a first picture of the new car – or has it?

Just in time for the beginning of the new year, Mercedes presented Formula 1 fans with a first picture of its 2022 car. The team posted a snapshot of the W13 on its Twitter channel and drew the excited looks of the fans.

With over 100,000 likes, the picture took the hearts of fans by storm.

Not much can be seen in the deliberately darkened photo, but some features that will characterize the new cars from all teams are immediately noticeable.

These include the larger tires and the significantly modified wings. While the rubbers will grow to 18 inches for the coming season, the wings will be significantly slimmed down, especially in terms of their complexity. The air flow changed as a result is intended to make it easier to follow behind and thus also to overtake and enable better racing.

In order to get a better view of the W13, some users quickly set about lightening the picture and making the car more visible. Quite a few then doubted the authenticity of the recording. Many suspected that the Silver Arrows only adopted the prototype presented in the summer and gave it a typical Mercedes paint job.

This thesis is supported by the fact that Mercedes is hardly interested in being the first team to drop its pants and give the competition a look at the new car. In addition, the W13 in the posted picture actually has astonishingly great parallels with the prototype presented in the summer. So it is quite possible that the Silver Arrows just wanted to lure their followers a little. It is clear that they have achieved their goal.



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