Guardiola, shot at Lukaku: “City European champions because 3 meters from the goal …”

“It took us 8 years to win the Champions League, it takes time,” said Pep Guardiola before throwing a dig at Lukaku

Present at the Legends Trophy, Pep Guardiola threw a shot at Romelu Lukaku during the presentation conference of the golf tournament organized by Puma:

“It took us (Manchester City, ed) 8 years to win the Champions League and I am the European champion because an attacker missed an easy header from three meters. What is Xavi to do? Barcelona won the league and they played the Champions League with half a defense available and now this is their strong point, the club knows what it has to do. Xavi and Mateu Alemany know much better than me what they have to do. I do not know”
