Guardiola, more than a brand

06/19/2023 at 10:21


Pep Guardiola he has built his story with skill and talent, on and off the pitch. He has done it voluntarily with millimeter control of all his assets, in addition to an obsessive dedication to his profession: “My only merit is to love what I do”. Brands are what they say, what they do and how they behave. Let’s decode Santpedor’s from the management of his personal image and his words. Brands are a reason, a first sentence explains it: “The only thing worth doing is the conviction of having an idea”.

Brands are built through consistency and coherence defending the same discourse based on values ​​and a personality: simplicity, work and dedication are theirs, “although in the process there are many doubts” as he usually explains. His statements round off the matches, with reflections on what the fan is unable to see, always with elegance and eloquence to defend the greatness and humanization of sport: “What makes you grow is the defeat, the mistake”. Relevance has been built thanks to a career in which he has strategically chosen the teams and their moments (Barcelona, Bayern Munich and Manchester City).

Brands are a reason (a purpose): theirs is the obsessive search for the best football possible. To which must be added a how: win by reinventing the game model as many times as necessary (call it innovation): “There is nothing more risky than not risking” Explain. And finally a what (the product) in his case a team and a squad, with a selection of a profile of talented players willing to die for that football idea, together with gregarious people who around them obtain their best version in order to obtain results (“ I assume I’m wrong in the signings, it’s my responsibility & rdquor;).

A brand is a storytelling, from books (Herr Pep or The Metamorphosis) explaining their work methodology, made to measure, to series of Amazon (All or Nothing) in which his psychological management of the collective is seen. Add a distinctive look, the choice of an aesthetic far from the world of football and close to the catwalks that make him a cool coach.

Few coaches have a speech beyond football. Pep has it in politics, obviously not to everyone’s liking, in literature, in music or supporting minorities and NGOs. A brand is an idea: Guardiola is the best football you can see. Nobody doubts it. But Pep’s legacy will be infinite, as he said of Cruyff… although some think that mea cologne. The latest contribution to his brand is to distribute his Champions League premium to all City employees. Differential? That’s Pep.
