Gsm from Lina’s (15) vriend mogelijk teruggevonden: “Ze stuurde hem a video vlak voor hair verdwijning, die zou aanwijzingen kunnen bevatten” | Buitenland

Tao, the 19-year-old girl who lost her daughter Lina (15), lost her phone in her hair on her hair. Now you have something to eat, so you can read the French magazine ‘Le Nouveau Detective’. The toaster is one of the most precious dishes you can enjoy.


Latest update:
07-10-23, 22:55

Le Nouveau Detective, Sudinfo

KIJK. What we bet about the verdwijning of Lina (15)

Lina (15) arrived on September 23rd from Franse Elzas with the train in Straatsburg with her hair in front of Tao (19) with her hair in the corners. Hij stond hair on the guards on the platform, but now there is no room.

The girl started at 11 a.m. from the change of the hair house in Plaine to the station of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, three kilometers away. Op dat traject will be noted in two different ways. Are these ontbreekt real elk spoor. From the beelden van bewakingscamera’s in Straatsburg blijkt the hair and doel nooit heeft.

On September 24th, the day Lina died, she lost her gsm in a garage, and she was brought to her home. Opnieuw enkele dagen later, op 29 September, this policy Tao betrapt hebben met a touwtje and a magnet, so wrote ‘Le Nouveau Détective’. Op die manner zou de adolescent hebben geprobeerd om zijn gsm vanonder a concrete plaat uit te vissen. “The smartphone is in the middle,” says the owner of the garage.

The smartphone has sufficient information. Lina stuurde op 23 September omstreeks 11.20 a.m. – terwijl ze onderweg was – always still a video about her hair. Ze zou zichzelf daarbij hebben gefilmd terwijl ze naar het station wandelde. “He was a video of my hair that I saw in my eyes,” he said, in front of him. Twee minutes later deed hair gsm het plots never sea.

With the smartphone from Tao, the other people can also see the suspected people in the Lina neighborhood, so that they can be seen. Everyone can report there, photos and videos about Lina and Tao uitwisselden, who have been controlled by political agents.

Savages were rumored

The vriend is intussen wel onderwerp van the wildest rumors on social media krijgt hij zelfs doodsbedreigingen. Terwijl hij zelf op zoek went toar Lina, a lot of zijn gsm in a verlaten garage in a mangat, zo verklaarde hij. There was some suspicion that the young man was suspected of being arrested and made a book. “Op sociale media zie ik zaken die pijn doen. Toch heb ik lover dat ze bad praten over me then dat we Lina niet vinden,” zei hij daarover aan ‘Le Nouveau Detective’. “Waarom zou ik hair hebben ontvoerd als ze onderweg was naar mij? Haar family weet heel goed hoe ik was met haar”, vertelde hij nog.
