Group of asylum seekers leaves, COA does not expect a capacity shortage Ter Apel this weekend

The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) expects that there will be no shortage of reception places in the application center in Ter Apel this weekend. This is because there is an outflow of people and because fewer asylum seekers report at the weekend anyway.

Fifty asylum seekers are still going from Ter Apel to Sittard-Geleen today to be received there, probably for longer than 24 hours, a spokeswoman said. The hundred people for whom emergency shelter had been arranged in Zuidbroek for last night arrived in Nijmegen this afternoon. They stay there in a sports hall.

According to the COA spokeswoman, both cases concern beds in a shelter that is actually intended for refugees from Ukraine. But there are, according to her, “a lot of empty spaces”. She also points out that people from Ter Apel have also left for places that have become available in regular reception. “With this outflow, we expect that there will be room for everyone who signs up in the coming days.”

The influx of asylum seekers is lower on weekends than on working days, says the spokeswoman. “On weekdays about two hundred people report every 24 hours, at the weekend that is half.”
