Group beating in Rome after attempted mugging, video

The perpetrators of the violent attack are wanted by the police

Editorial board

– Rome

A robbery like so many others that happen around the world and have always happened, unleashes the brutal violence of a pack determined to take justice into their own hands. The scene of the beating was the Quarticciolo neighborhood in Rome.

from mugging to brawling

The mugging and subsequent beating took place yesterday, Thursday 7 September. A 26-year-old man of Indian origin, later arrested by the police, attempted to rob a 90-year-old lady in via Manfredonia. At that point six boys intervened and started beating the pickpocket. A beating that lasted two minutes including kicks, punches and shoves. All under the eyes of passers-by and people looking out from the balcony who inevitably filmed the scene. The video thus bounces on social media. In one of the shots, a woman is heard screaming profanity and profanity, inviting the attackers to get away from what used to be her daughter’s car.

the consequences

The thief, a 26 year old Indian boy, was stopped by the police and escaped only with a fracture to the nasal septum judged to be healable in 30 days. The man was immediately tried for robbery and was banned from staying in Rome. The 90-year-old lady was slightly injured, suffering only a few abrasions. Naturally now the images circulating on social networks will be used to trace the attackers, who hit the thief with kicks and even with helmets. A woman who intervened by beating the thief with a pot was also involved. Unfortunately, this is not the last case of violent vigilantes. In recent days at Pantheon waiters and customers at a restaurant attacked a woman who had stolen a backpack. TO Host the tenants of a building surrounded and beat a sixteen-year-old who was caught entering an apartment.
