Groningen runner Hessel Wijnja fastest in Jannes Nijboer Run in Ten Boer

Runner Hessel Wijnja (Groningen) won the 10 kilometers of the Jannes Nijboer Loop in Ten Boer in 32.54 minutes.

He had a lead of 2.11 minutes over Maurice Kram (Roden). Barry Bronsema (Meedhuizen) took third place. He lost 2.30 minutes to the winner.

Renske Linstra (Groningen) clocked a finish time of 40.07 minutes as the fastest woman. Her fellow townsman Christien Koning came second at 1.29 minutes and the bronze went to Annemarije Souer (Bedum). She crossed the finish line 1.52 minutes after the winner.

The race was the fourth of six in the Huis & Hypotheek Ommelander Loopcircuit.

Nick Marsman

In Nieuwleusen, Nick Marsman (Groningen) won the 5 kilometers of the Oranjeloop in 15.18 minutes. He was followed at 1.04 minutes by home favorite Michiel Veldman. Tim den Besten (Elburg) won the 10 kilometers in 32.36 minutes with Sebastiaan Pol (Coevorden) second at 3.18 minutes. The Hoogeveen Laura Prins won the women’s competition in 37.53 minutes and with a big lead.
